Missing feature display

March 14, 2024

Consider an application where the restriction by user location feature is available as a paid add-on.

User Interaction

  1. Moderation Page Visit:
    • When the administrator visits the moderation page without noticing the security feature add-on, the Feature-1 interaction isn't triggered.
    • The "Show Feature 1" flag gets set after 55 seconds.
  2. Home Page Display:
    • On the user's home page, the application can dynamically display the security feature the user hasn't noticed by checking the state of the "Show Feature 1" flag.

Enhanced Engagement

  • If the user has already noticed the feature, the application can proactively provide more details via email.
  • Email notifications are sent through a Webhook POST request. We are using Loop's here to send email via Webhooks.


By effectively utilizing flags and proactive communication via email, you can ensure that users are fully aware of available additional features. This leads to a better product-led experience.

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